A Beautifully Proportioned Charles II Oak Side Table
The two-plank top, with generous overhang, pegged to the rails with square oak dowels, and has a moulded edge on all four sides. Beneath the top is a single drawer set within a moulded frame.
Each of the legs has a double-bobbin turning, separated by a square block into which the high level stretchers are morticed. It is most unusual to find all the stretchers turned, many just have the front with the turning, and the sides and back plain (see “Oak Furniture, the British Tradition” by Victor Chinnery, figure 3.244, page 313, for an example).
It is probable that the all-round moulding on the top, and the turned stretchers around the base, indicate the table was used in the centre of a room – as a centre table – and thence could be seen all around.
Excellent rich oak colour and surface.
English, probably Derbyshire, circa 1660-70.
Width 41 inches, depth 24 inches, height 28.5 inches.
Ref 2512